Thermaxx Blog: Insulation, Energy Savings, & More

Smart Tags for Steam Trap Surveys

Written by Brian Bannon - Vice President of Thermaxx | May 16, 2017 3:36:00 PM

This article was written by Brian Bannon, Owner of Thermaxx

Thermaxx Removable Jackets have been using Laser Etched Asset tags for 3 years. Within the last 18 months the information about our jackets have been live on the internet with a quick scan of the Thermaxx or Off the Shelf QR Code reader App.

Clients will be able to scan the trap and view the inspection information without having to carry around or look for the last trap report.

Our engineers have been working around the clock to develop an App that will allow other market partners and industrial Preventative Maintenance Engineers to document inspection or maintenance, at the component, with their smart phone.


How It Works

Thermaxx provides a steam trap survey company with a Laser Etched Slate. This slate can contain your company Logo, Phone Number, Email, Trap number and a QR Code

  1. Mount the Slate (tag) on the steam trap

  2. Download the App (iOS)

  3. Open page and download the app

  4. Scan the Slate and Begin Editing the information

  5. Capture current GPS Location

  6. Complete inspection and update Trap Condition

Upon completion of full trap survey, review information and move to next trap.

The information on the Slate can only be edited with the App and the proper Authentication Code. Your clients and maintenance workers will be able to see the Trap inspection information, but will not be able to edit.

Learn more about Slate Pages or order your steam trap inspection slates by contacting us