"We are proud to provide our tenants with a more energy-efficient and environmentally responsible workspace. The long-term cost savings we will get as a result of this project will free up resources to dedicate to our mission statement."
With the price of fuel oil fluctuating as it does one important constant remains, energy savings. Oil Fired Boilers tend to be are still a very common component used to make hot water or steam. In today's world we need to look for any way possible to save valuable energy dollars. With the oil-fired boiler that begins with the insulation.
This case study was written by Jack McTigue, an employee of Thermaxx Jackets.
Project Background: Connecticut Heating Plant Insulation Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) serves as an accessible, responsive and creative intellectual resource for the people and institutions of Connecticut, providing higher education to over 6,000 students in Danbury, CT.