There were many reports of record rainfall in the United States in 2018. Several states had “One-in-1,000-Year” amounts. Hurricane Florence dropped more than 30 inches of rain as it made its way through the Carolinas in mid-September at least 20 inches of that rain fell over an area the size of New Jersey.
How to Calculate the Cost of Steam How do you calculate your fully loaded MMBtu Costs? For steam-using plants and facilities, calculating steam costs, like calculating steam pipe heat loss, is an important step towards revealing energy and cost savings opportunities.
What is Removable Blanket Insulation? A Thermaxx insulation blanket is a custom-made removable insulation pad designed for thermal insulation use on mechanical engineering components. These components include all of the following elements: Steam Condensate Hot water Cold water / chilled water system Removable insulation is critical to any component that requires routine maintenance as the...
The Best Way to Insulate Steam Pipes? According to the U.S. Department of Energy, "insulating steam distribution lines can typically reduce energy losses by 90% and help ensure proper steam pressure at plant equipment.” While this statistic can easily convince you that insulating your steam lines must be a priority, it doesn't offer any advice on the best way to insulate your steam pipes. We’re...
This case study was written by Chuck Murphy, an insulation expert at Thermaxx Jackets
So how clean is your room?! Let’s talk Clean Rooms! Exactly what IS a Clean Room and why would a manufacturing company need one?
This article was written by Philip Johns, an employee of Embedded Energy Technology
"The jacket designed by Thermaxx Jackets for the DA tank has made it so much cooler in the area already."Bill JohnsonEnergy Management, American University
Everything You Know About Removable Insulation Is Wrong Removable insulation used to be crap. There, I said it. Crap. It used to be held together with wires, couldn't go outside, and made the bean counters burst into laughter when you proposed using it (yeah - it was pricey). But that was then, and things have changed. Now, removable insulation has many advantages, but it can't shake that bad rep...