Thermaxx proudly exhibited at the 2018 World Energy Engineering Congress (WEEC) presented by the Association of Energy Engineers at booth 811! To learn more about how you can save with insulation, you can reach out to our resident expects Rich or Suzanne about Thermaxx Jackets. The congress is being held October 17-19 in the Charlotte Convention Center in NC.
What is Cryogenic Liquid Natural Gas? When LNG is returned to its gaseous state, it is used across the residential, commercial and industrial sectors for purposes as diverse as heating, cooking, generating electricity and manufacturing a wide variety of products.
What is steam? Steam is created from the boiling of water. As heat energy (BTU’s) is added to water, the temperature rises accordingly. When water reaches its saturation point it begins to change from a liquid to a gas.
This case study was written by Richard Brown of Thermaxx Jackets