The Best Way to Insulate Steam Pipes? According to the U.S. Department of Energy, "insulating steam distribution lines can typically reduce energy losses by 90% and help ensure proper steam pressure at plant equipment.” While this statistic can easily convince you that insulating your steam lines must be a priority, it doesn't offer any advice on the best way to insulate your steam pipes. We’re...
This case study was written by Chuck Murphy, an insulation expert at Thermaxx Jackets
I recently started working at Thermaxx Jackets, thanks to an internship grant funded by NYSERDA in conjunction with Thermaxx, and I am grateful for the chance to begin a career in Clean Energy.
Heat oil transfer is used in many industrial processes where heating or cooling is used to maintain a particular temperature. The asphalt industry uses heat oil transfer to manufacture their product. Hot oil systems for asphalt plants run at an average temp of 350F which makes thermal insulation at these plants a necessity, for energy savings as well as safety.
So how clean is your room?! Let’s talk Clean Rooms! Exactly what IS a Clean Room and why would a manufacturing company need one?
This article was written by Philip Johns, an employee of Embedded Energy Technology
"The jacket designed by Thermaxx Jackets for the DA tank has made it so much cooler in the area already."Bill JohnsonEnergy Management, American University
What is an Air Handler? Air handling systems, or air handlers, are large metal boxes that can resemble a furnace that contain many components such as air ducts, blowers, air filters, heating or cooling elements, and more. They are found in homes, businesses, and industrial facilities of all sizes. Their purpose is consistent: to move conditioned air throughout an HVAC system and circulate it back...
For Healthcare Systems and Hospitals today, there is immense pressure to drive energy savings in an effort to reduce operating costs, meet regulations, and provide safety and comfort to all staff and patients. Most importantly hospitals are seeking cost savings measures as a result of even larger budget constraints due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Administrators and facilities personnel are seeking ...
What is Cryogenic Liquid Natural Gas? When LNG is returned to its gaseous state, it is used across the residential, commercial and industrial sectors for purposes as diverse as heating, cooking, generating electricity and manufacturing a wide variety of products.