What is Lewco Super Mat? In production since 2019, Super Mat is a dust-free, durable, reusable, hydrophobic flexible blanket for hot insulation applications from Lewco Specialty Products. Super Mat consists of E-glass needled felt in which the fibers have been impregnated with PTFE, thus making the insulation hydrophobic and breathable. Super Mat is available in various thicknesses of 8, 16, 20,...
So how clean is your room?! Let’s talk Clean Rooms! Exactly what IS a Clean Room and why would a manufacturing company need one?
Insulating in an airtight or clean room application can be extremely difficult. Good clean room design has the mechanical insulation out of the airtight or clean room environment to avoid the possibility of fibers being introduced into the air. At the same time, there can be equipment in the clean room that must be used in a production situation and has an elevated temperature that can cause an...